
Connect to a Compute Node Using a Bastion Host

To connect to a compute node not accessible from the Internet we need to use a bastion.

Before connecting we need to create a new Bastion Session or use an existing one by listing Bastion Sessions and choosing an active session. Once we have an active session we can retrieve the appropriate SSH command.

Retrieving the SSH Command for a Bastion SSH Session

Request the SSH command.

./getBastionSessionSSH.sh ocid1.bastionsession.oc1.phx.amaaaaaaSession

Get bastion session SSH command from bastion session ID ocid1.bastionsession.oc1.phx.amaaaaaaSession
ssh -i -o ProxyCommand="ssh -i -W %h:%p -p 22 ocid1.bastionsession.oc1.phx.amaaaaaaSession@host.bastion.us-phoenix-1.oci.oraclecloud.com" -p 22 opc@

Using the SSH Command

To use the generated SSH command we need to replace the two references with references to the private key file. See [How to Retrieve Secrets from Vault](/OIC_Scripts/HowTo/RetrieveSecretsFromVault.html). We can use the SSH command directly from OCI cloud shell or a Linux machine. Using it from Windows desktop requires using Windows Subsystem for Linux, cygwin or Putty. Note that putty needs some effort to make work as it can't execute the ssh command directly.