
How to Retrieve Secrets from a Vault

To access a compute instance we will need both the private and public SSH keys. The following shows you how to download a key and store it in a file.

Find Secret

List all the secrets in a given compartment.

listSecrets.sh CompartmentName

Listing secrets from compartment CompartmentName with ID ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaaaacompartment
Name VaultID
My-Public-Key ocid1.vault.oc1.phx.eftkvpbeaabvaultkey
My-Private-Key ocid1.vault.oc1.phx.eftkvpbeaabvaultkey

Download Secret

To use the secret we need to download the contents into a file.

getSecret.sh Linux-UA-Public-Key ocid1.vault.oc1.phx.eftkvpbeaabvaultkey >~/Keys/MyPublicKey.pub

Retrieving secret-name Linux-UA-Public-Key from vault-id ocid1.vault.oc1.phx.eftkvpbeaab7o.abyhqljtopuospuhg5lgd7kufamsiv3ehzedm3mlkiozoppj772c2uqdckna

The secret is now in the file MyPublicKey.oub which can be verified by using cat command

cat ~/Keys/MyPublicKey.pub

ssh-rsa PublicKeyValue%

Both the public and private key should be set to be only accessible by user.

ls -l /Keys

total 4
-rw-r–r–. 1 user oci 400 Aug 4 18:03 MyPublicKey.pub

chmod go-r ~/Keys/MyPublicKey.pub
ls -l /Keys

total 4
-rw——-. 1 user oci 400 Aug 4 18:04 MyPublicKey.pub