
Handy scripts for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Integration (OIC)

Scripts that use OCI CLI will require the CLI to be installed and configured. The easiest way to do this is to use the OCI Cloud Shell which is already set up for you.

Command Notes
OIC Lifecycle  
configACL.sh Apply an access control list to an OIC instance, sample ACL config file is network-endpoint-details.json
getCompartmentOCID.sh Get a compartment OCID by name for use in other commands
listIntegrationInstances.sh List all OIC instances in a compartment in tabular form
getIntegrationInstance.sh Get an OIC instance details in json format
createIntegrationInstance.sh Create an OIC instance
Bastion Access  
createBastionSession.sh Create a new SSH bastion session
getBastionSessionSSH.sh Retrieve SSH command for use with bastion
getSecret.sh Get secret from vault
listBastionSessions.sh List sessions on given bastion
listBastions.sh List bastions in given compartment
listComputeResources.sh List sompute resources in given compartment
listSecrets.sh List secrets in given compartment

How Tos

There are a number of how to documents available